Not much to do, but play tong=it and mahjong including chess, where i won P40 supposedly but for bad arithmetic on the part of the opponent. Did I win? Definitely, but I lost time. It's a gray day.
It's almost five in the afternoon. Anib-Israel called from the hospital where he is on duty at the moment--12pm in California, complaining of the drinking activity of Jonathan. What can I do. If I scold him, tumangsit met daytoy nga anak nga inauna nga awan sa metten ti nagyan iti ulona no di la agbarbartek. I admit I failed, we failed to raise him properly. Ngem kunada met nga adda latta black sheep in the family, any family. That's not true. In our case. Still I pray that in the New Year, he will reform.
It's 6:05 pm, and drizzling. Sound of motorbike outside, the rider probably buying liempo or lechon manok at the store in front of the house in Oscariz. Just received text message of Gene Sumaoang, inquiring what am i doing. He and Sonny are in one place. Wished them Happy New Year, a few hours from now. Gene's wife Lina died several years ago. When I was in Laoag and he was in my hideaway he said there are no more challenges in life wished he were dead. He is now in his 70s like me. I have reasons to continue on living. I have to interpret the world and write that elusive novel.
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