1. Human act is an act done by man with full knowledge and deliberation. An act of man is an act done without full knowledge and/or deliberation.
How do the kinds of ignorance affect responsibility?
2. He/she is either responsible or not responsible depending upon his kind of ignorance. If his ignorance is classified as invincible, he is absolved of responsibility but in so far as the moral law is concerned. He is not excused from responsibility when he transgresses civil law unknowingly as a result of his ignorance. If his ignorance is vincible, he is not absolved completely of responsibility.
How does fear affect responsibility?
3. A person acting through fear or out of fear is not responsible for his act because he is not free; he is, therefore, absolved of responsibility.
Freedom gives the person the option to do or not to do an act. But whether he accomplishes the act or not, he is responsible for it.
The above is also applied to Lintang Bedol, the Mindanao election supervisor, now in government custody. As a government witness against Gloria?
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