scions mikey and jv looking good on
philippine TV
arrogant owners of chubby cheeks
grabbers of the biggest pie?
well-fed fellows arguing
in lifeless ire
debate never never
bloody facts are naked and bare.
inheritors of dirty millions while
a million zombies
filch wrapped throwaways
sons and daughters dying
of garbage bread.
let this cup pass
unto the mouths of plunderers
rue, rue the eternal bitterness
let soothsayers be damned
but hear ye hear ye
the cruel Jehovah Christ sayeth
doomed are bearers of black names
born of kleptomaniacs
playing Abel and Cain
walking the earth
to purgatory
where robber barons
and ill-gotten riches
burn in the sulfur
of eternal fire
singapore, july 8, 2011
Caption; PLJ with Singapore-based BBC news presenter Filipino Rico Hizon
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